Why are there people who still relapse even after going through a drug treatment program?
Question by dania lm: Why are there people who still relapse even after going through a drug treatment program?
Isn’t this an indicator that the treatment program is not effective since the person keeps on falling into relapse?
Best answer:
Answer by arlyn e
Though there are people who get better and don’t relapse after just going through one treatment program, there are some who have to undergo multiple treatment programs because drug addiction is a chronic disease. Just like other chronic diseases, people with drug addiction are prone to relapsing. This is why treatment programs with continuing care are advisable.
Answer by mml
you must have to have a desire to quit no one pushing you to do so. law, parents, spouse, kids. you need to not want that crap in your body any more. and learn that the addition doesn’t make you feel good you have to learn to do that for your self
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