Domestic Abuse Restraining Order California-Will he get visitation after the hearing?

Question by Amber D: Domestic Abuse Restraining Order California-Will he get visitation after the hearing?
I just served a temporary restraining order on my husband. He has physically abused me in the past and we have been seperated for 6 years with absolutely no contact. He was recently released from Prison after being there for the last year. He found out where I lived and I don’t want him around myself or my children because I fear for our safety. He’s telling my friend he’s hiring an attorney at top dollar. My question is, when I go to court for the restraining order, they’ll send us to mediation for child visitation right? What if I still fear for mine and my children’s safety will the judge still let him see our kids? He has a long history of drug abuse and 2 prison stints for the same thing. After not seeing his children for 6 years they don’t even know him anymore, they don’t remember what he looks like. Giving him visitation cannot be healthy for them especially since they have had a step dad for the last 5 years. I’m so nervous and scared!

Best answer:

Answer by Da Rez Girl
The judge can order that supervised visits be done with the natural father until the person or agency supervising the visits says that the visits have been going well enough for unsupervised visits to take place. They ussually start of with hours then gradually work up to more hours then over nights then weekends. He is the father of the children and there is only evidence that he abused you Not his childre. Just because he was in prison it doesnt mean that he should not be allowed to see his children.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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