Drug & Alcohol Treatment Centers

What are the treatments for the teenagers who are abusing drugs and alcohol? and why it is a serious problem?

Question by dhen: What are the treatments for the teenagers who are abusing drugs and alcohol? and why it is a serious problem?
Actually, this is a survey, so I need it on my thesis. can you answer this question?… Continue reading

Two Commonly Used Medications Equally Effective in Treating Seizures in

Two Commonly Used Medications Equally Effective in Treating Seizures in
Newswise — PHILADELPHIA – The sedative drugs diazepam (Valium) and lorazepam (Ativan) are equally effective in treating the prolonged seizures known as status epilepticus in children, according to a… Continue reading

169th House Q&A: Kate Klunk, Gene Montanerelli, Leroy Wentz and Marc Woerner

169th House Q&A: Kate Klunk, Gene Montanerelli, Leroy Wentz and Marc Woerner
Before supporting legalization of marijuana for certain medical purposes, I would want to hear definitively from the medical community about the efficacy of such treatments and the associated… Continue reading

Plan would direct pot taxes toward drug education

Plan would direct pot taxes toward drug education
The spending plan approved Tuesday by the Joint Budget Committee includes about $ 23 million already in hand. The largest awards would go to programs for youth drug prevention and drug abuse… Continue reading

Drug combo may knock down lung cancer

Drug combo may knock down lung cancer
Some drug-resistant cancers of the lung, pancreas and breast might be made vulnerable again by treating them with a medication already approved for another type of cancer, according to a new study led… Continue reading

Inmate Programs

Inmate Programs — The inmates incarcerated with the Arizona Department of Corrections are offered Education, Counseling, Substance Abuse Treatment, Job Training and Work Oppor…

Courthouse Records
As conditions of probation, he was ordered to undergo a mental health evaluation with… Continue reading