Should women be required to become educated on abortion before doing it?
Question by Rain: Should women be required to become educated on abortion before doing it?
Our country has a redicules rate of abortion and in my opinion i thnk the US should do more to educate on abortion in order to decrease the high rates among young girls and adults.So do you think women should be required to become educated on abortion for instance (watchinga video of a live abortion to show what they will be doing to their babies and showing the fetus afterwards and how they”incinerate” the bodies.Also should they give information on the number of women and names of some that has lossed there lives due to abortion procedure because i saw on a site some names of women who died from the procedure and they give a story and actual coriner report of how they died the symptoms they complained of before death etc. I believe if our country is going 2 allow us 2 murder our babies or what some call”cells/tissue” can they atleast educate I just want to know what you all think about this question so please be as honest as possible & PLEase give facts to why if you agree or disagree THNKs=)
Best answer:
Answer by bookish
I’ll give facts if you will–and so far, you haven’t. First of all, about 90% of abortions are performed in the first trimester. At the END of that trimester, the fetus is about 2 1/2 inches long and weighs an ounce or two. This is hardly a “body” to be “incinerated.”
What these girls need is information on birth control, because if you want to “educate” them on abortion, then you also need to educate them on pregnancy and childbirth, plus child care, since apparently you want them all to carry these babies to term. BTW, who’s paying for all this? Have you adopted any crack-addicted or minority babies lately? Do you want to pay to raise and educate all these children? Do you support any child abuse organizations, because these unwanted kids probably aren’t going to be treated too well.
Educate yourself, because you can’t even write. What makes you think you know anything? You’re obviously barely literate and don’t know what you’re talking about.
Answer by kwakagirl
I think that education is absolutely essential. However I think you have the wrong idea. I don’t think that showing them videos of abortions would be a good idea – these women are already in a fragile emotional state and I do not see how this would benefit anyone.
As far as the women who died – there are always a few people who died from everything that’s ever been invented. Sorry to sound cold but it’s true. After the first dozen people were killed in car accidents should they have banned motorised vehicles as they’re too dangerous and just stuck with the good old horse? Oh hang on, they’ve killed lots of people too…
Abortions take careful consideration. I think women need councelling and unbias guidance to come to the right decision for them.
I’m assuming ‘your country’ is America? (i’m in Australia)
I do understand where you’re coming from, and personally I would NEVER have an abortion myself. However I do not think that anyone has the right to tell someone else that she can’t have an abortion. Different people have different thresholds for things, pain, workload, emotional stress, etc. And what about those women who are raped and fall pregnant?
Ultimately it should come down to the woman’s personal choice after being given accurate and unbias information and weighing up the pros and cons. It’s no one else’s business.
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